About Sharon Payne

Sharon PayneSharon Payne

Sharon Payne MAR BA (Hons) qualified in Holistic Reflexology and Indian Head Massage and Back Massage at the London School of Reflexology. Since qualifying in 2007 she has taken advanced training in pre-conception, pregnancy and post natal care and Spinal Reflexology. Nutrition and Stress Management have always been of great interest to Sharon and she continually researches how nutrition can benefit our general health and wellbeing and how to include positive techniques in your life to stay balanced.

Sharon practices a holistic style of therapy and firmly believes that all aspects of life must be considered and appreciated in order to reach optimum health and well being; when treating clients Sharon ensures all lifestyle factors are taken into account including nutrition and tailors each treatment accordingly, always placing an emphasis on relaxation.


“Sharon is astute at guessing where her client is at from the moment she sets eyes on you. She is sensitive, warm and a good listener and an extremely good communicator. I am deaf and I really appreciated this. She has taught me a lot about myself and how to listen better to my mind and body.” Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director OBE

“Sharon has great commitment and I was regularly touched by the thought and research she had put in for any query I had. She has a very responsive touch to a need and creates a very relaxing atmosphere” Jeni Draper, Actress, Director 

London School of Reflexology